The Kath Legacy and Tank the Horse
Leona and Dan Suchanek and Teddy the Horse
Kim Klukas
Monte and Nancy Mowry
Henry Ripka and Unforgettable
Anita Anderson Grant
Jody Teeters Eckhardt and Daniel Gainey
Steele County Sheriff's Posse and Auxiliary
Laverne Utpadel
Pat McCarthy
William Frost St. Clair
Raskal - Owned by Robert and Pat Fischer
Suzanne (Quimby) Klukas and Carl and Ethel Quimby
Robert "Bob" Jurgenson, Rolland "Ron" Weller, Leroy and Donna Thoreson, Nacho and Nellie
Maynard and Bev Leuth, Robert and Patricia Fisher and Ferzon
Jane & Allen Nelson and Dr. Les Hansen
Richard "Rick" Klemmensen and Mary Jo Schoenfeld
Sharon Katzung
Richard Steinberg, Glen Johnson and Deb McDermott Johnson
Robert "Bob" Chladek and Ron VanNurden
Lester Oeltjenbruns and Richard "Rusty" Paulson
Eugene Kruckeberg and Gail Demmer
Mark Ihlenfeld
Barb Kasper, Howard Schoenfeld and Donald Sloan
Dan Deml and Kay Anderson
Donald Resler and Vic Richardson
Steve Eaker and Dorothy Rypka
Darwin Kasper, Leonard G.W. Gabbertt and Evelyn Stransky
Glen Edin, Gene Francis and Donald Henry
Marvin Meixner and Joe Stransky
General Alexander Chambers, Russell Seath and Duane Urch
James Grass, Clarence Mulert and Larry Tande
Victor Calverly, Emil Steinbert and Truman Tillerhaas
Mary Larson and Eugene Pichner
Harry Andrews, Charles Calverly, Alfred Camp, George Deml, Hubert Fisher, J. Russell Gute, Herbert Hartle, John Hartle, Arthur B. Johnson, Adelbert Radke, Thomas Raine, Jerome Rypke, A.B. Seykora, Ernest Sloan and John Zwiebel
Dr. Tony Seykora
Thomas Burke
Ron Eustice
Steele County Free Fair
1525 South Cedar Avenue, Owatonna, Minnesota 55060, United States
Tickets to the grandstand acts for the 2025 Steele County Free Fair make great gifts!